- Comfortable and good looking split V-neck design.
- Knit s bottom sweep gives a trim fit.
The Pullover Vest
In Black

Why It's Essential
The strength of this design is its year round versatility. put this vest on in the fall and you won’t take it off until spring. you can wear it outside as primary protection and leave it on inside with an amazing level of comfort in both environments.
Product Details
Golf and tennis are great applications for this basic vest design. It also provides extra insulation with a minimum of weight under a hunting shell or golf windbreaker. The vest looks great over a sport or dress shirt and its comfortable warmth and light weight can eliminate the need for a topcoat and lightens travel bags and bulk. Its versatility makes it a great value.
Why It's Essential
The strength of this design is its year round versatility. put this vest on in the fall and you won’t take it off until spring. you can wear it outside as primary protection and leave it on inside with an amazing level of comfort in both environments.
Golf and tennis are great applications for this basic vest design. It also provides extra insulation with a minimum of weight under a hunting shell or golf windbreaker. The vest looks great over a sport or dress shirt and its comfortable warmth and light weight can eliminate the need for a topcoat and lightens travel bags and bulk. Its versatility makes it a great value.
- Comfortable and good looking split V-neck design.
- Knit s bottom sweep gives a trim fit.
100% Llama Fiber. The most resilient fiber on the market
Llama fiber closely matches the needs of human physiology as llamas are adapted to daily temperature swings of 50 degrees or more.
Product Reviews
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